Conference Day Success

Conference Day Success

Our ASLs ran a fabulous conference for our Howick Coast Kahui Ako teachers on the 4th June. Teachers from across our seven schools attended a day packed full with professional learning. We had some amazing guest speakers from a range of educational settings including...
PCT Day 24th June

PCT Day 24th June

We ran a PCT day on the 24th June with our fabulous PCTs. We had Garry in from Evaluation Associates to share his knowledge and experience about e-asTTle. His sessions allowed us to explore e-asTTle use, administration and using the data to inform teaching and...
PCT Professional Learning Day

PCT Professional Learning Day

We have hosted another successful PCT day of learning for our amazing beginning teachers. We ran collaborative workshops on Relationships Based Learning, Effective Literacy Programmes and Digital Resources for Teaching and Learning. We are looking forward to our next...
ECE Initial Meeting

ECE Initial Meeting

We were very excited to meet with the representatives from the 11 ECE centres that have joined our Kahui Ako yesterday. We were able to discuss our next steps and plan to create a shared vision and strategic goals. This is a fabulous opportunity to collaborate across...
PCT Professional Learning Day

PCT Professional Learning Day

The Across School Lead Teachers facilitated a PCT workshop at Howick Primary School in October. We covered the administration and analysis of a range of assessment tasks including e-asttle, running records, JAM and GloSS. We spent some time on moderation and gained a...